dilluns, 9 de març del 2009

Still having problems with the irregular verbs?

First the good news - all new verbs in English are regular.

  • I photocopied the report.
  • She faxed it to me.
  • They emailed everybody about it.

However, that doesn't help you to learn the approximately 180 irregular verbs which do exist. Luckily some of these are extremely rare but many others are very useful and you need to know them.

So how do you learn them? Some teachers think you should learn a list of them 'by heart'. Other teachers think you should not learn them at all – you will just gradually acquire them over time.

One useful method is to note down new irregular verbs as you meet them. But how should you note them?

It is useful to put these verbs (or any vocabulary you want to learn) into sentences and learn those rather than the individual word.

Exercise 1
Exercise 2
Exercise 3
Exercise 4
Exercise 5
Exercise 6